Grabbing Customers Through Website
You may ask how? But this may answer you. There are about 2.4 billion people around the world who use the internet daily. I feel this would have given some answers to your question. These 2.4 billion people have something in common and the common thing is searching the world wide web looking for various […]
Read MoreOpen Source Web Development.
Open source web development The internet of things Kevin Ashton termed the word “Internet of things” in 1999, but for now it is one of the hottest topics in the world of open source and web development. And it is estimated that by 2020 the internet of things would consist of about 50 billion objects […]
Read MoreQr Code – Case Study
A solution to a leading South East Asian Colouring Company! This case study is about the generation of qr code which was a problem with one of the multinational companies and how we took our efforts to solve the problem and the benefits our client had. Hurdles The client had a serious issue in generating qr-code […]
Read MoreDigital marketing.
DIGITAL MARKETING EXPLAINED The process of marketing of the product and service through every digital medium or channels over the internet is referred as digital marketing. Usually digital marketing is carried out through various channels, both on the internet and off the internet by means of digital devices. Digital marketing is called by different names […]
Read MoreLINUX
LINUX AN OPENSOURCE FEAST LINUX crafted by linus trovalds is one of the best and widely used open source operating system which is provided free of cost. It is based on the linux kernel which forms the basis of every linux operating system. Since it is a major open source operating system which is issued […]
WHAT IS CMS? A content management system can be stated as a computer application that allows the user to create and modify digital content by using a common user interface which allows multiple users to work in a single collective environment. This cms is in existence from the late 90’s. itself the coders never knew […]
Read MoreUBUNTU 16.04 LTS
THE PAST UBUNTU actually means humaness. which could be even called as humanity towards others, here comes the actual goal of ubuntu “The belief in the bond of sharing which connects all humanity” the free software concept. UBUNTU a debian based linux operating system which can run almost your personal computer,smart phone and your network […]
Read MoreAndroid N
Google launching its new android versions quite periodically have came up with a new anroid version ,well google calls it “N” is it nutella or some other curvy and sweety food name or some other indian delicious sweety food. But still most of the android devices hanging around have not yet recieved marshmallow updates right […]
Read MoreApple
“ Many of life’s failure are people who did not realize how close they were to success when they gave up” but in the case of winners every moment they believed that they were near to the chance of winning, they visioned it every moment, and in last their vision became an reality. Many of […]
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