Here are some of the most basic and most advanced top 10 Linux commands according to me which every Linux user should know in order to make any operation from the terminal window of the Linux operating system. And they are as follows.
apt – get
This is one of the most important commands of the Linux command line. Because with this command you can manage every package or applications installed in your computer. A great thing about this command is that it can manage packages even without a gui. In Ubuntu 16.04 the apt – get command is replaced by apt command.
This command is useful in changing directories and to move through the present directories of your file system. By default cd command refers to the home directory and by the use of this command you can directly get into the subdirectories present on your computer.
Sudo stands for super user. With this command you have superuser privileges still it will prompt for user password with this sudo command you can install software, edit files in the computer and protect files.
Ls command is nothing but list command. This command can be used to find a single file, or to find a list of files present in the current directory. This command also lists the details of file format, file size and the date of modification in which the file was modified.
This command will let you display the content of the file in the terminal window. This command actually reads the content of the files and displays it in the terminal window.
This command is for expertise alone. By using this command you can carry out network diagnostics, which provides you with information of the network in which you are connected. Along with advanced option for troubleshooting and network problems.
This command is used for removing files which are present in your computer. By using this command you can even remove the entire directory and the files contained in it.
This command display’s the overall information on the availability of memory of your computer in detail with used, free, cached space, hard drive space, swap memory in bytes.
This command is useful in displaying the background activities which take place in the computer processor and displays each and every task running in the background in real time and to exit from this window of the terminal you should use the q button on your keyboard otherwise the running tasks will be killed.
This command is something like a manual for commands typing man along with other commands which you would like to know will display about what the command is for and what the command will do along with synopsis and description and you should use the q button on your keyboard to quit from that window.